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Fun fact, I know from a Prusa employee that one of those is (or was) in their offices and they played with it ^^
Below is a huge description of the project, that accumulated over time when I uploaded this on thingiverse. It may look overwhelming, but there is also some valuable information to make sure that your print will work fine, so better check it out!
You can find the explosion diagram among the download-files, which contains the parts list, screw data and how to assemble it.
Have fun printing!
Of course the design has some flaws, like tons of different screws for example. It's been 4 years since I designed this and my skills have improved since then…
Though you can still print this one if you want the extra weight of the needed metal screws, as the never version is 100% printed without any other parts!
Great item!
Great item!
Great item!
Great item!
Great item!
Great item!
Great item!
Great item!